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Botox是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/Botox.html 发布时间:2021-03-24
Botox是什么意思 Botox在线翻译 Botox什么意思 Botox的意思 Botox的翻译 Botox的解释 Botox的发音 Botox的同义词 Botox的反义词 Botox的例句 Botox英 [ˈbəʊtɒks] 美 [ˈboʊtɑ:ks] Botox 基本解释



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1. Botox

1. 肉毒杆菌毒素:(图/美联社) 肉毒杆菌毒素(Botox)向来是爱美人士用来「抗皱」的神奇药物,但近年来肉毒杆菌黑市蓬勃;美国安全专家忧心,1克纯毒素就足以杀死数千人,恐怖份子会向地下工厂购买具有「强大杀伤力」的山寨 ...向来被视为微整型圣品的肉毒杆菌,

2. 波托克斯:Books 书籍 | BOTOX 波托克斯 | Botox 肉毒杆菌毒素

3. 肉毒杆菌毒素制剂:Botox 肉毒杆菌毒素 | Botox 肉毒杆菌毒素制剂 | BOTULINUM TOXIN TYPE A A 型肉毒毒素

Botox 双语例句

1. Botox的近义词

1. About 3, 294, 782 in the USA alone did a botox to make them much more beautiful.

2. For example, injecting botox into muscle groups near the eyes will temporarily paralyze those muscles, keeping them from scrunching up.

3. She probably used a lot of botox to tighten up her skin.

4. These include the department of the amount of wrinkles, yu weiwen, glabella wrinkles, lower profile, nasolabial fold pattern. results300 cases of patients with botulinum toxin type a treatment effect were 234 cases (78%), 66 cases were effective (22%), 0 case was null and void. conclusionsa-botox in the treatment of facial wrinkles precise and effective, simple, easy, painless, non-impact, easy-to-promotion.

5. Fifty patients who had the disease for less than six months were divided into two groups: one group (25 cases) was treated with a local ice-bag application and the other group (25 cases) was used for the control. One hundred patients who had a history of more than 6 months were managed with a local injection of Botox-A.

6. Results as below:(1) serious swelling and plasma extravasation was evoked by an injection of mustard oil to a hind paw with a pre-injection of normal saline, (2) a pre-injection of BOTOX of 5 U, Lidocaine, or L-733060, all could effectively reduce the inflammation, (3) a BOTOX pre-injection of 5 U commenced to act at 7 days after the injection with a duration for at least 10 days.
实验结果如下:(1)芥末油注射於预先注射生理食盐水之后脚掌引起严重的肿胀及血浆外渗;(2)预先注射5 U之BOTOX、Lidocaine或L-733060 可有效减低发炎反应;(3) 5U BOTOX在注射7天后开始发挥效果,此一效果维持至少十天。

7. Swiss Dianas Development Center is the first in the world to introduce biochemical Botox-alike non-injection botulinus, which is composed of narrow spectrum amino acid link and peptide to form the nanometer active ingredient of amino acid that can quickly penetrate into the skin to change skin structure completely, to smooth away wrinkles, to promote cell energy and tissue recovery as well as to postpone the process of ageing.

8. In an era of Hollywood friendly injectables Dysport and Botox and line fillers Restylane and Radiesse, this is a rare sight for sit-down meetings with actresses in their 30s and beyond.
Martin 说,借由那些为老年观众成功拍摄的电影,Streep 正在重塑着一种好莱坞风景。

9. A Botox party is in essence, a group of people sharing the Botox experience with one another usually for company over the simple joy of finger food in a catered lobby of a lucky doctor.

10. Botox的解释

10. It wasn\'t until I read that the US Food and Drug Administration had decreed in April last year that a warning was to be put on the packaging for all botulinum toxin products (also known as Botox and not to be confused with botulism) that I had my Damascene moment, however.

11. It\'s not that I haven\'t tried Botox – but I hated it.

12. I can\'t wait till you get botox.- I\'m just saying...

13. Botox

13. This article was prepared for this Botox Toronto site, please visit them for more information.

14. More and more people are relying on the benefits of Botox injections to enhance their beauty.

15. The Botox has finally seeped into your brain. What are you doing?

16. Botox的解释

16. Botox is also used by cosmetic surgeons to smooth frown lines temporarily which last for 3-6 months and have to be injected again.

17. Botox的意思

17. Wife:Well, actually love, the botox, the plastic surgery and nose job cost $999 thousand dollars.

18. \\u0064\\u0061\\u006E\\u0063\\u0069\\u002E\\u0039\\u0031\\u0031\\u0063\\u0068\\u0061\\u002E\\u0063\\u006F\\u006D

18. Result: Temporalis and masseter muscles injected with Botox were lower in volumetric measurements, compared with saline injected ones.

19. But she\'s all for the injectables available at the dermatologist\'s office, like Botox, Restylane and a host of other products.

20. Botox

20. With rueful humor, she writes about smoothing her face with Restylane and Botox, reading in large type, and grieing the deaths of beloed friends.

Botox 单语例句Botox的近义词

1. Supermodels Linda Evangelista and Christy Turlington are at odds over Botox in the new issue of style magazine Vogue.

2. \" Crawford has flawless looks because of Botox injections and an eyebrow lift, \" says a source.

3. Local media has reported a boom in orders this year for botox treatments, face lifts and hair transplants to mark Parents\'Day on Monday.

4. Botox and plastic surgery may promise to reduce wrinkles and worry lines, but some New Yorkers are turning to facial yoga to achieve a youthful appearance.

5. Two people were arrested at a beauty center in Mong Kok on Monday on suspicion of offering botox injections to clients by unlicensed practitioners.

6. The polarizing suburban drama served as a shot of Botox for Bravo\'s aging \" Real Housewives \" franchise.

7. It\'s the only time when grandma\'s juicy dumplings pale in comparison to auntie\'s juicer gossip about the second cousin\'s Botox treatments.

8. Jennifer Aniston has suggested that Botox makes women \" look harder \".

9. While the cosmetic industry did not fund Lewis\'study, it will probably get a boost from his new Botox research.

10. I use Botox and I\'m not afraid to say it, though I do like to keep some movement in my face.

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本文链接: http://botox.immuno-online.com/view-707833.html

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